50 Fun Things to do When Salespeople Call
21. Ask them what they think would happen if you put a frog in a blender later tell them they were wrong.
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22. Ask them for their phone number so that you can call them back and chat some more.
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23. Burst into tears when they try to hang up and scream, "Don't leave me!"
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24. Tell them about the time you got stuck in the doggy door.
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25. When they ask to speak to you spend a long time trying to decide if that really is your name and after you realize it is ask them to remind you of it occasionally.
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26. Proudly explain that they are the first person that you have spoken to since you returned to Earth.
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27. In the middle of the conversation start humming the Sesame Street theme song, when they try to speak sound surprised and say, "Is someone there?"
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28. Begin snoring.
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29. Gleefully explain that "they" have come for you and that you are going to a better place.
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30. Start screaming whenever they say the word "that."
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