Why don't you ever see the headline, 'Psychic wins Lottery'?
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Why is Humpty Dumpty an egg in the nursery rhyme, when an egg isn't even mentioned?
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Why do they call it 'Chilli' when its hot?
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Why is it called a tv set when you only get one?
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Why do toasters always have a setting that burns the toast?
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Why is it called a building if its already built?
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Why do they sterilise the needle for lethal injections?
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Why do you need a drivers license to buy alcohol if You're not allowed to drink and drive?
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Why is it, if you transport something by ship, its called cargo, and not shipgo?
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Why are apartments name so, if they're all stuck together?
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Why don't they make mice flavoured cat food?
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When we stand in sh*t, why do we limp?
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