50 Fun Things to do When Salespeople Call
41. Discuss what a wonderful world it would be if we were all born with tails.
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42. Whenever they try to get a word in babble on about how young people these days talk way too much, and don't respect their elders. (Works best if they are clearly older than you.)
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43. During complete silence ask them if they hear that pounding noise.
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44. Make loud pounding noises and when they ask about them say "What pounding noises?"
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45. Tell them to hold on a second, set down the phone and sing loudly.
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46. Insist on calling them Mr. Spock.
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47. Ask them if they will get you a birthday present.
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48. Tell them you can't talk now, as you are trapped in an invisible box.
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49. Beg them to dispose of your dentist, who is involved in a secret plot that shall result in your demise.
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50. Pretend to be an answering machine.
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