Father John
After 30yrs Father John had
decided to retire as priest of
the local parish. A grand send
off dinner was held in his
honor and the mayor was going
to give a speech. Being the
typical politician that he
was, he was late. Father John
decides to give his speech in
the meanwhile.
'I remember the
very 1st confession that I
heard, the man was cheating on
his wife, stealing money from
his employer and had a
weakness for drugs and
prostitutes amongst other
things. I remember thinking to
God how could I be sent to the
sinful city, but as I got to
know all the people in this
community, I realised what a
great flock I was given.' Just
then the mayor came in.
priest sat down and the mayor
took over, he apologised for
being l8 and said 'You know
when Father John 1st came
here, I was privileged enough
to be the 1st person to go to
him for confession'.
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